Best option in France is usually to go through collaborative renting platforms. The two mainstream ones are : - Drivy - Oui Car However ... even them ask you a minimum of 2 years permit : https://www.drivy.com/help/articles/ffffc5ffb4bf and https://www.ouicar.fr/info/conditions
So your best solution would be to find someone willing to take the risk through Leboncoin or ask people around.
As mentioned in 2017, ADA does rent cars to drivers whose license is less than one year old.
As of january 2020, I couldn't find any mention of a maximum age of 25, neither on the information page (https://www.ada.fr/offre/location-jeune-conducteur.html) nor on the terms and conditions page (https://www.ada.fr/conditions/location.html).
They do have an office in Caen (https://www.ada.fr/location-voiture-caen.html).
(I have no affiliation with ADA and actually never used that service).