Credit card lost after booking the flight with it


Not once in my history of travels was I asked to see the credit card that the plane ticket was paid this. I imagine I would not even able to show it at times, e.g. when travelling on tickets provided by my employer.

I've seen threats to check my CC, when booking non-plane tickets in Peru. I've also heard Deutsche Bahn requires to see the card for its train tickets. I find the requirement ridiculous, I mean, what about e.g. virtual cards? They have no physical shape.

Maybe in India it is an issue, you should probably specify the country more clearly in your question, because generally it's not an issue.


This happened to me for travel from North America to Southeast Asia and back in 2015 using a VISA card. I don't know if your experience will be the same, but here is what I remember:

On the day of the flight when I checked in I had to fill out a form stating that the card with which I paid the original fare was no longer valid. I also had to give the number of my new VISA card to EVA Airlines. They were well versed with the process and there were no delays other than filling out the form.

Given your situation, I would still try to contact the airline to confirm the process you will need to go through (better safe than sorry). Also, you should have the old number of your credit card ready, just in case.

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