Do hotels offer "proof of stay" certificates to their guests?


Accepted answer

I feel like many people traveling on their institution's dime may have faced this kind of situation and perhaps

I did travel on the government's dime occasionally and the hotel bill/invoice has always be acceptable.

The invoice includes

  1. Name of guest
  2. Arrival and departure dates

However, it's not exactly an invoice or billing statement we're looking for. 3. List of all charges (including mini-bar and late night movies, if this is still a thing).

South American hotels also verify your identity when checking in which usually includes taking a photo of your passport.

"a document proving that X and Y stayed at the hotel for the duration of the conference with each of their names stated on it."

That seems to meet all the requirements you stated. If not, your government needs to be clear about what exactly the want. If they need a single document juts staple the two invoices together.

However, it's not exactly an invoice or billing statement we're looking for.

Why not? What specifically do you need that's not included in an Invoice?

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