@Dorothy This is my "answer". Ctrip contacted Delta and then emailed me. Here is their response and I quote " Regarding your flight reservation from Shanghai to Buffalo Round Trip (Order No. 01010101010, passenger name(s): abc, dfe, jhi), there is no such lap seat according to the airline. We have applied for the Infant Carrier seat on your behalf with the airlines. Please confirm whether the airlines have arranged it for you during check-in at the airport." I believe that their Chinese-English possibly misunderstood the issue and misunderstood the answer. As, I said before I called Delta they do offer seats to under 2. But, when I checked their website it was apparently lacking the option even under advanced. I guess I took if for granted that most flight search engines like https://www.google.com/flights/ , http://matrix.itasoftware.com/ ,http://kayak.com/ and so on allow you to specify age and lap or seat. It seems that Delta does not unless you call. Ctrip should have this search functionality as they deal with multiple carriers and their English site is for foreigners. However, they do not. I will certainly think twice about booking with CTRIP again in the future. I cannot blame delta as it was the booking websites issue. I suppose as long as my son has a bassinet it will all work out. Otherwise, I will let him run up and down the aisles until the attendants decide to accommodate the little guy. :D