Travelling with twins


Brand new to the forum and this is my first post but I may have some valuable input given my travel history with my children when they were young. Yes, it is possible for your daughter to travel with two babies that are a couple of months old. I am not aware of any restrictions so long as the babies are healthy.
That said, that is an awfully long flight, and they will likely be exposed to many things on the airplane, so that is one consideration.
If she is bringing any sort of car seat/travel seat, have her call the airline and get it pre-approved. I had a seat that was fine for most airlines, but one suddenly refused it.

Be prepared for an unexpected layover. Weather, airline equipment delays, etc. may set her back. It means packing lots of extra stuff for the babies in case of emergency, but you really don't want to be without if you get stuck somewhere for a day. Extra diapers, changes of clothes, and formula if she's not breastfeeding. Also, some of the water from home if she is using formula.

Beyond that, be prepared for her fellow passengers to be less than pleased when she boards with the infants.
It's a long flight and people want to get some shuteye. Some will be wonderfully helpful, and some will try to move their seat as far away as possible.

It can be done, but much easier for family/mother/father/sister/ to go to her, if possible.


It's certainly allowedβ€”no regulations would prohibit such a trip unless a doctor has advised otherwiseβ€”, but flying from Brisbane to London is an extremely long trip: 23+ hours each way with at least one stop. That's an exhausting trip for a parent traveling alone with two very young babies, and many parents may not want to or be able to undertake such a journey.

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