Any aircraft must have these lighting systems:
- Navigation lights: red on the left wing tip and green on the right wing tip. Other aircraft or ATCs can determine the direction by looking at those.
- Strobe lights: a strong flashing light to help aircraft avoid collisions in low visibility conditions.
- Landing lights: if the aircraft is certified for night landings it must have landing lights which are strong lights at the forward usually to help pilots see terrain and runways.
- Logo lights: usually at the tail to show the airlines logo at night, sometimes at the belly of the aircraft (as in A380).
- Wing lights: to help pilots do their ground checks and to increase visibility in general.
- Rotating beacons: usually used on ground to let ground personnel know that engines are running.
Now what you saw must be a combination of all of the above. Some aircraft look like a moving party at night, I remember the MD90s for example having a funny lights system if all lights are on.