Right of way in case of both traffic lights and traffic signs


For both drivers I would recommend to drive very carefully. The situation is definitely dangerous, and whoever created it needs their head examined. A situation where someone seriously posts here to find out who has the right of way most not be allowed to exist.

And there are some rules that overrides all other traffic rules. In order of importance: Don't drive into people. Don't drive into other vehicles. Don't drive into a bus. So proceed carefully, just assume the other car might or might not yield.


I'd say that both the lights and the signs have an effect - if the light is red, you must stop, if it is green you may go, subject to obeying the other signs. The lights take precedence, but do not nullify the signs. Therefore the bus would have priority.

However I have never seen such a junction, and I'd hope traffic planners would never allow it - the green lights are enabling two conflicting routes. Here in the UK, the only time I've ever seen that is at junctions where two opposing straight-on routes are green, with vehicles allowed to turn right (driving on the left) providing they yield to oncoming traffic (as per any normal turn-across-traffic)

The layout in your illustration is, in my opinion, dangerous as many drivers will only pay attention to the lights, and not the signs, so the car would likely assume it had priority...


In Spain, the traffic lights would take priority over the traffic signs, explicitly by law. Therefore the car has priority over the bus.

The order of precedence in Spain is:

  1. Orders given by a police officer or equivalent
  2. Temporary signals for roadworks (in Spain these have a yellow, rather than white, background), cones etc
  3. Traffic lights
  4. Vertical road signs
  5. Road markings

There is an image illustrating this at http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_0j2fcAJdP_U/SJohg9Y08DI/AAAAAAAAAXs/niX5Dm6xq60/s1600-h/prioridad+se%C3%B1ales2.jpg.

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