History of "False Flag" Coups


Gulf of Tonkin is just one. LBJ and McNamara Whitehouse tapes at LBJ library prove false flag. They talked days before about provoking an attack (which never happened.) On the day of the supposed attack they talk about what to put out to the media as they had days before. In later years LBJ even admitted this in interviews. This led to the gulf of Tonkin resolution which took the Vietnam war to full stride. You also have Operation North Woods, Downing Street memos about Iraq between Bush and Blair both of which didn't occure but were planned. You also have the burning of the Reichstage by Hitler and the burning of Rome by Nero. The last two derive from strong theory but both are very strong by what we do know as was the sinking of the USS Maine. These are some I've research very heavy. If nothing else, for the later, ones to be further looked in to.


What you're looking for is a self-coup I think? Wikipedia offers a small list of (alleged) examples.

Some of the better examples:

The most know alleged False-Flag Coup however:

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