Where was human history first purposely recorded?


Accepted answer

The Australian and New Zealand First Nations have an oral tradition and spoken history that goes back about 30,000 years. They have stories about how the land used to look, which seem to make no sense giving what Australia is like today, which have been proved to be true by the fossil record or geological layering.

In my opinion, this definitely counts as a history, rather than being borderline art.

I don't think that there is anything from earlier that has survived to this day, though I am quite sure that every tribe used to have it's own historical traditions.


This depends on how you define "history". Herodotus is generally referred to as the first historian -- 440 BC. Of course, there are plenty of people that disagree, some with good reasons others not so much and all that strike me of a Japanese saying: The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.

Being facetious, the first recorded human event would be the first time someone told someone else what happened before. So, the first time language was used to pass information relating to past events.

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