What aspects of Soviet life were not controlled by Stalin?


One small example of radio in fighter jets. Soviet fighters received radio in the mid-30's. But the radio was bad and heavy. The pilots shot out the radio. The command of the Red Army three times wrote the order "Use the radio!". Result? In 1941 Soviet pilots flew without radio. Where is the fear of Stalin? Stalin controlled everything? This is a fairytale.


The main historiography, which you should really have searched prior to asking the question. Most obviously Sheila Fitzpatrick's work on everyday Stalinism at the work unit level, particularly Everyday Stalinism: Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times (1999). Rossman (2005) Worker resistance under Stalin. Andrle (1988) Workers in Stalin's Russia.


The state and Communist party TRIED to control ALL aspects of people's life. Another question is how successful they were.

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