What are historical examples of globalization in action?


From a geopolitical standpoint I would say that the United Nations, the Bretton Woods Institutions (World Bank and International Monetary Fund), and the World Trade Organization are the clearest examples of globalization.

These organizations are the vehicles through which the countries of the world interact with each other, exchange ideas, handle problems created by new technologies, trade with each other, etc.

Globalization really began with the rise of international trade, because trade is one of the chief ways that countries exchange ideas, and is also one of the motivating factors behind the actions of states.

All of the organizations (UN, WB, IMF, WTO) deal in some ways with the free flow of trade, ideas, and people, which is what globalization is largely about.


Anything that corresponds to the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. See the Oxford dictionary definition.


Globalization as a concept includes the notion of interchange of ideas, and in that respect the obvious concrete examples come from the world of global telecommunications, telegraphy would be an early example, the internet a current one.

That said, every global (or near global) infrastructure you can think of could be considered a concrete example of globalization.

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