Who made this violent speech in the documentary De Nuremberg à Nuremberg?



And everyone.

This is an audio-illustration of the common nazi rhetoric. Not a particular speech, more a pastiche made from original recordings. If you listen closely you will identify al least three distinct voices from at least three different speakers. As this is a montage, you will not find "the one guy that made this speech". Also compare this with the French narration that precedes these samples: That "this violent antisemitism became the only form of officially authorised p**nography in the Third Reich."

This is also recognisable in the speeches ductus and diction. Search for example through some of Hitler's speeches searching for the string "jude": multiple hits. Search for "juda": zero hits. Likewise for Mein Kampf: just one time Judaslohn. He liked the "Juden" and "Judentum" – words – but not Juda.

Likewise, a search for the whole line of words as identifiable so far from the one excerpt in the question now leads right back to this question.

Therefore I would like to offer the following suggestion.

We hear little snippets of nazi speeches. Those are most likely typical, that is from Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, Julius Streicher, Hermann Göring, and Robert Ley. Those were the most violent speakers in general, but Streicher and Ley in particular stand out as really screaming hysterically when it came to their antisemitic convictions.

From a rough guess I'd sort the "Amerika"-part to Goebbels, the "Jude mag den"-part to perhaps Hitler (An old review for a an educational CDROM implies that this part, only those few words, and as written, no audio to compare – might be from from Hitler: "»Der Deutsche mag den Juden nicht, der Jude den Deutschen nicht […]«". Note that the very next part ("…muss der Jude weg") is not in that link and also sounds different in the montage). "Juda muss fallen"-part seems to be very close to the words of Ley, for example in his Siemens-Schulungsappell from 1942 (transcript by Siemens).

The assignment of identified voices to parts is explicitly my own, probably incorrect sloppy, guesswork. The audio quality of the video in question is bad even in the narrated modern parts. But it seems really clear in using more than one snippet, cut tightly together.

What I would transcribe from what is heard by my ears on the first mention of it (2e Guerre Mondiale - De Nuremberg a Nuremberg Chapitre 1 #1 begins at 25:19 and ends up at 25:44):

[…?] Teufel aus der Hölle… [und Stalin und London und Moskau und Washington…??] denn Juda, Juda wird fallen… auf, auf mit euch Juden nach Amerika, [da wo ihr?] hingehört… der Deutsche mag den Juden nicht - der Jude den Deutsche nicht, infolgedessen muss der Jude weg!

But the second example is different as well: De Nuremberg à Nuremberg - 2 de 3 - partie 2 de 2 ( Starts at 20:04)

und wenn es mit Ihnen wäre… mit Ihnen wäre wir holen den Teufel aus der Hölle, und Stalin, und Moskau und London, und Washington – sie werden fallen! Denn Juda, Juda wird fallen… Auf, auf mit euch Juden nach Amerika. In das letze [den letzten Sumpf?…?] da wo ihr hingehört. … Der Deutsche mag den Juden nicht, der Jude mag den Deutschen nicht, infolgedessen muss der Jude weg!

Note the editing error in this part, it loops the first part!

All ldots seem to indicate a break in the flow of speech –– and a change in speaker.

Distinct voice change seem to be before the "Amerika" speech (my guess: Ley). Then seems to follow the Rhenish pronunciation of Amerika that sounds like Goebbels (he really loved "Amerika", and envied it). The doubling of "auf" seems also a typical element of his style and the possibility of emigration hinted at in this part indicates an early date for this speech. Then "der Jude mag" might be indeed be Hitler himself, but the "muss weg" part is different from his usual screams and just too hysterical, even for that man.

As this is quite tiring to listen to repeatedly and no freely available or searchable text on the net will incorporate all parts of this pastiche in one go anyway, I'll close this with the following guess: we can hear Ley, Goebbels and Hitler assembled together. If we can trust the documentary the parts of these speeches seem to be dated at shortly around the November 9, 1938 date, although I suspect that the first Ley-part might be even later.

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