What is the last historical mention of people worshipping the Roman gods?


Accepted answer

Greco-Roman polytheism in Rome survived the 455 CE sacking but it is unclear at what point traditional roman paganism transformed into hybrid Christian heresies versus any retention of religious purity. Secret cults by virtue of being secret are both hard to track and likely to mutate in isolation over time.

In so far as Roman beliefs fed back into the Hellenistic religion prior to the rise of Christianity, apparently there were open holdouts on the Greek islands until at least 804 CE.

Claims of continuity to the present day seem unsubstantiated and derive from neopagan websites. The Greco-Roman revival has even been interpreted as form of resurgent nationalism rather than a full blown religious revival.


We still do worship one last Roman god:

modern cupid cupid from Pompeii

Modern Cupid from today... and Cupid from Pompeii 2000 years ago

The sole survivor of the Greco-Roman pantheon.


Some Roman gods remained an integral part of Medieval mythology and arts. For instance, consider the German legend of TannhΓ€user (first attested at 1430), a knight who allegedly met Venus and fell in love with her. There are multiple appearances of other classical gods in medieval epos.

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