The role of science in enabling the survival of civilisations


The quote seems to be resting its entire thesis on a neglect of science being the cause of the collapse of the Roman Empire.

If they had other good examples of this thesis in action, they probably should have used one of those instead. There are hundreds of different theories for the cause of the fall of the Roman Empire floating around. Its one of the oldest and most storied arguments in historiography. Back during the 80's, historian Alexander Demandt counted 210 different theories in the literature, and I think its fair to say a few more new ones have been put forth in the intervening three decades.

So any attempt pass off a single one of them, in a short aside with no explanation, as the one and only true cause of the fall of the Roman Empire strikes me as highly intellectually dishonest.


On my opinion, this statement "When we look to history we see that ignoring science has led to the crumbling of societies" is not confirmed by history. Societies, or civilizations come and go and there is no evidence that this is somehow related to the development of science.

Science, in its present form, was mostly created by the Hellenistic Greeks, and this society did not exist longer than other societies. Neither it was stronger or more durable in any sense. Some of the later societies continued the development of Hellenistic science. A millenium later this ancient science was picked by the Western European society, but it does not exist long enough yet to make any conclusions.

On comparison of Greeks and Romans. Most of those who say that the Romans were not interested in science, miss the point, that the lands where the Greeks lived were also incorporated in the Roman empire, and that science existed there for long time. So for example Ptolemy and Diophantus should be listed in "Science of the Roman empire". And these are among the best examples of science that ever existed.

It is true that most scientific work was written in the Greek language. But this is not enough to label this science as Greek. (In early Western Europe, most of the science was written in Latin, and we do not call it "Roman science" because of this).

EDIT. Another aspect of the question is that in the present time, the physical survival of mankind depends on science. The Earth would be unable to support its present population without modern scientific technology of food production. But this situation is quite recent.

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