What kind of heavy horses did the Manchu use?


Accepted answer

After doing a bit of research, I found nothing on the tactic of linking horses. I've read a bit of Chinese military history, and I mean no offense, but most of the stuff are lies. For example, 诸葛亮 supposedly created an perpetual motion ox to carry grain. This is impossible. Another example is 赵云 killed 100 people to save 刘备's son. A third example is that 关羽,killed numerous generals and their armies to get to 刘备。All of which are doubtful. These stories are like the story that King Arthur had a giant cross strapped to his back and killed the entire enemy army or the story that Lancelot killed a dragon. Chinese history up until maybe the Ming or Qing dynastes is cloudy and full of myths, and not very reliable.

In a more scientific perspective, it would be really hard to chop of the legs of the horses. The lances that the manchu used were just to long. enter image description here

The lances next to the horses look about a horse and a half long.


Early Chinese "history" contains lots of myths. This story you were told is probably a myth.

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