Under the terms of the Enabling Act of 1933 the Reichstag on March 31, 1933, passed the First Gleichschaltung [Synchronization] Law which:
[D]issolved the diets of all LΓ€nder (except the recently elected Prussian parliament, which the Nazis already controlled);
[O]rdered the state diets reconstituted on the basis of the votes in the last Reichstag election (with the exception of Communist seats); and
gave the state governments the same powers the Reich government possessed under the Enabling Act.
On April 7, 1933, the "Second Gleichschaltung Law" was passed, appointing one Reichsstatthalter, or Reichs Governor, in every state other than Prussia. Reperting to Interior Minister Wilhem Frick, these officials had "near-complete control over the state governments.".
Updates from the comments (comments being ephemeral, and all that) below
Per Jan:
"[T]he state parliaments were ... abolished in January 1934" by the Law on the Rebuilding of the Empire:
Through the Reich Reconstruction Act, the sovereignty of the states of the German Reich , which were now directly subordinate to the Reich government, was abolished . This led to an intensification of imperial power and a loss of the quality of the state in the states.
Per Mark Johnson:
"*On the 30th of January 1935, the Deutsche Gemeindeordnung β German municipal code was introduced, which dealt with everything under the state level: Counties, Cities and Towns (Kreise, StΓ€dte und Gemeinden) and also lead to the elimination of elections and voting:
With the introduction of this centralized regulation , more than 30 municipal constitutions under state law , such as the Bavarian Municipal Code, the Hessian Municipal Code or the Prussian Municipal Constitution Act , were dissolved.
Thank you, gentlemen, for your contribution.