What is the difference between the Amish and Mennonites?


Accepted answer

According to Wikipedia, the Amish (aka Amish Mennonites) are a group that broke off from the Mennonites in Switzerland in 1693, led by Jakob Ammann, from which the name comes.1

While Amish reject many modern technological advancements, Mennonites have a broader range of acceptance of such things. Some Mennonites are quite similar to the Amish, while others accept all modern technology. I had a friend in college who was Mennonite, and he drove a car, used computers and did everything else.

Amish reference


The Amish and Mennonites are very similar in most of their basic religious beliefs. However the way they live and dress etc. is different from a lot of Mennonites. "Mennonite" is a very broad term ranging from those who drive horse and buggy and are very similar to the Amish and those who pretty much blend in with the world.

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