By what authority does the old Catholic Encyclopedia call itself Catholic?


From the prefatory material:

The Encyclopedia bears the imprimatur of the Most Reverend Archbishop [of New York, John Cardinal Farley,] under whose jurisdiction it is published. In constituting the editors the ecclesiastical censors, he has given them a singular proof of his confidence

I take this to mean that the five members of the Editorial Board were themselves the guarantee of the work's orthodoxy. I'm not sure how this harmonizes with the Nihil Obstat mentioned at the bottom of each of the articles. Perhaps the official diocesan censor's Nihil Obstat was a rubber stamp in this case?

Two of the five editors were laymen, two were secular clerics, and one was a Jesuit:

These men certainly intended the encyclopedia to be accurate, orthodox, comprehensive, and up-to-date (the "date" being roughly 1912):

The Catholic Encyclopedia ... proposes to give its readers full and authoritative information on the entire cycle of Catholic interests, action and doctrine ... The editors have insisted that the articles should contain the latest and most accurate information to be obtained from the standard works on each subject.


Generally, the Bishops are not in the business of writing and publishing scholarly works. What happens is that Catholic authors write a work, then seek official permission to publish (imprimatur), and an endors*m*nt that the contents are not contrary to the faith (nihil obstat). The original Catholic Encyclopedia obtained both (which are visible at the bottom of every article at the New Advent website, such as the one on Aachen:

Ecclesiastical approbation. Nihil Obstat. March 1, 1907. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York.

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