Victorious Life The verses in the comment above are of help in keeping a true perspective of the Christian life with all its personal and interpersonal struggles. (Romans 7:24-8:4) Paul's statement at the end of his life is appropriate: I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course.
It is noticed that one area of Christian living was left out in the introduction to this question: interaction with fellow Christian brothers. One does not have to go through life's struggles alone.
We are admonished in the Epistles to...admonish one another...confess our sins one to another...pray for one another...exhort one another...honor one another...etc. Since we are all members one of another in the Body of Christ, we draw strength from one another as we minister to each other!!! A prophetic word...a ministry of deliverance...a discerning of spirits...etc...all ensure our Victory in this life over the "world, the flesh, and the Devil."
Add to this the grace of Christ, the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, and the love of the Father, and we all can live like the Bible, hermeneutically interpreted, says we can live.
The battle, according to the Bible, is not fought according to just our efforts alone; but whether or not it gets easier it does get bearable.
The Christian religion is remarkably different from manmade philosophies of human enrichment, or world religions started by men who are now dead and gone. Christianity is a religion where the Bible informs us of a relationship with the living God who actively interacts with us as we follow Christ...and who compassionately interacts with our human struggles.