What is the scriptural basis, if any, for the Catholic teaching that the homosexual tendency is of itself not a sin?


Accepted answer

The Catholic teaching that the h*m*sexual tendency is not a sin is based on the universal principle that sin requires the use of the will--you cannot sin by accident. See ST II I, q. 71, a. 5, objection & reply 2; ST II I, q. 75, a. 2 & 3; and CCC 1849-1851.

This is a commonsensical principle of human responsibility that is presupposed by scripture (and every legal system in the world). Although, like many other such principles, scripture does not philosophically define this relation of will/volition to sin, we can see it underlying scriptural passages in many places. For example:

  • Joshua 20:1-9 illustrates the mitigation of sin and culpability when someone causes a death by accident.
  • 2 Corinthians 5:10 says that we will be judged for what we do. Personal action is involved in sin and judgment, and personal action requires an act of the will.
  • Without knowing and willing what one is doing, sin cannot exist (Romans 5:13, Romans 7:7).
  • Jesus asks that his executioners be forgiven and provides only one reason: they do not know what they are doing (Luke 23:34).


Another scriptural answer would be "We are born in sin, shaped in iniquity". (Bible)

How this scripture would fit, is that some h*m*sexual people say they believe they had a leaning in this direction from their earliest recollections.

It could be understood that because all of mankind and creation were plunged into the fall and sin by Adam and Eve, that the h*m*sexual leaning may exist in people because all of creation and mankind were plunged into sin, and this sin nature may not be a choice that the one leaning toward h*m*sexuality made.

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