Question regarding the nature of moral absolutes


This question sounds more philosophical than religious.

Watch the movie "Hellbound" to get answers about what is evil.

If Hitler thought exterminating the Jews was a good thing, then why did he hide? Why did Osama bin Laden hide?

Evil is defined by God, not humans.

Atheists usually believe you pay for your evil here on earth, so there is no need for God to punish you.

God is both the protector and punisher.


That is one of the classic points in apologetics. Without one true God, there are no absolutes. If you decided to kill the atheist because he disagrees with your religion who is he to stop you? What right does he have to say that killing is wrong if you decide that it is right for you? Without God the answer is no one has any "rights". In America our constitution is founded on the idea that all men are endowed by their Creator with "certain unalienable rights" , So without a creator those "rights" are whatever the person with the most power dictates.

So you see, he's made your point for you and demonstrated how people act without a christian value system to base their culture on. It's reasonable for people who don't believe in God to have whatever moral system suits them.

Now you can turn this back on him, if morality is decided by majority rule, then guess what? Christianity is still the majority view in America, so by going against it he's admitting that by his own standard he is amoral since he doesn't accept the majority consensus !

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