A Question Regarding the Relationship between God and Messiah


Daniel 7:13

“In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man,[a]coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. 14 He was given authority,glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.

[a]Daniel 7:13 The Aramaic phrase bar enash means human being.

Note the term worshipped

I am assuming that the question is to clarify the allusion by new testament writers on why the Messiah is both divine and human.

  • Only God is worthy of worship

  • We see a human being worshipped and given dominion over all, in Daniel's Vision

    • Therefore this being is both God and Man at the same time. Duality of Divinity.
  • The reason for this elevation is visible through a careful study of the implicit prophecies in the old testament fulfilled explicitly in the new testament.

  • List of prophecies need assistance with hermeneutics while studying the same


In Dan 7:14 we see the Son of Man is coming to take the everlasting kingdom. In the subsequent verses termed as the interpretation we see in verse 22 it is the Ancient of Days who is coming. This tells me the ancient of days and the Son of Man are the same.

In traditional Judaism, they have a picture of G-d as a composite of potencies called sephirot. Different combinations can form different faces of G-d. They are all divine and are none are independent of each other yet we have examples in their literature where one speaks to another. Not all are credited with creation. Pro 3:19  The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens. 1Co_1:24 tells us this wisdom is Messiah. We have an entire proverb (8) which deals with wisdom and alludes to its deity and power to save. It also states it (wisdom) is understanding, alluding to their combination in creation (v 19).

When we impose on G-d the limitations of a physical world (where something has one nature, one presence, one spacial dimension, etc.) we are always going to have a difficulty.

But even in nature we have examples of duality. An amoeba can change shape and when it reproduces by meiosis, one cannot say that this part is the parent and that part is the child, they are both identical even though they occupy different places in space.

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