Does the flesh of the peace offering get offered to women?


I think it is clear from the text that the eating of the trespass offering in the OT was restricted to males. Women were generally not allowed to touch sacrifices, not sin and trespass offerings anyway, since they menstruate, as is explained in the Apocrypha, in Baruch 6:29 RSV-CE (Also known as Letter of Jeremiah 1:29 in some others translations) "Sacrifices to [idols] may be touched by women in menstruation or at childbirth. Since you know by these things that they are not gods, do not fear them." The fact that this offering had to be eaten in the holy place itself would automatically restrict it to males only. For some of the other offerings, they only had to be eaten in a clean place. Some of the verses about offerings that women could eat: Leviticus 10:14, Numbers 18:11, 18:19.

I suspect your real question, due to the reference to 1 Cor 11, is why women are allowed to eat the bread in the communion, since Christ's sacrifice was a sin offering? The simplest answer, from a Protestantish perspective, is that the communion is a memorial of Christ's sacrifice and not the sacrifice itself. Plus the concepts of ritual purity/impurity from the Old Testament are done away with in Christianity anyway.

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