How does the Tree of Life fit in Evolutionary Creationism


I think you’re comparing apples and bricks. Genesis isn’t “wrong”, it’s just not a science text. Like trying to get science out of a love song. Trying to get it to match a scientific principle is just plain bad science.


Q1. How does the Tree of Life fit in Evolutionary Creationism?

I don't think it does. Trying to fit the tree of life into the philosophy of evolutionary creationism is like trying to fit a catapult into into the Ferber method of sleep training a baby. You are taking the description of a physical object with it's purposes and trying to view it through a lens of something that is not related. The best place to start for a comprehensive view of the tree of life would be to do a biblical search on that phrase and write down observations.

Q2. Why would God be afraid of Adam becoming immortal? Is God not able to prevent such an event?

First, we would have to justify God being 'afraid'. While that's an interpretive option, i don't think there's enough evidence to justify "fear" with certainty. In this chapter we see consequences for sin combined with continual care for the man. My best guess on how to interpret this section is: 1. Taking from the tree of life means Adam will live forever and 2. God didn't want Adam to live forever - maybe it was because Adam has experienced fallen-ness and because of God's love for Adam, He didn't want him to live forever in a fallen state.

Q3. If the Tree of Life is what it seems (an antidote to physical death) was it part of God’s plan for Humanity to never suffer physical death?

I think so.

Q4. If so why create with a method that requires physical death to begin with?

God created life not death. This physical death was warned about, the warning was ignored, man sinned, and the consequence of physical death took place. From the text one could conclude that death could have been completely avoided by not sinning.

Q5 If the Tree of Life is the antidote to the death that Adam suffered after sinning and that death is Spiritual death then why would God be afraid of him partaking of such a tree? Isn’t this exactly what Jesus is/does for us?

If we observe the details of the resurrected Jesus along with 1 Cor 15, I think the resurrected body is something entirely different than a person in his/her sinful state not being able to physically die.

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