What are the 19 gifts of the Spirit, as listed by Leslie Flynn?


Accepted answer

From the table of contents of the book you linked to*, the 19 are:

  1. The Apostolic Gift
  2. Prophecy
  3. Evangelism
  4. Shepherding
  5. Teaching
  6. Exhortation
  7. Knowledge
  8. Wisdom
  9. Helps
  10. Hospitality
  11. Giving
  12. Government
  13. Showing Mercy
  14. Faith
  15. Discernment
  16. Miracles
  17. Healing
  18. Tongues
  19. Interpretation

*To see the list yourself, click on the link to the amazon product listing, click the book cover, then click the link for the table of contents.

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