What denominations use the Revised Common Lectionary?


Accepted answer

Speaking from the Episcopalian perspective, I can say that, a.) We use the RCL and b.) The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) includes a copy of the RCL references as well as a lectionary for the daily office readings. And the BCP is in the pews for sure.

As stated, a lectionary is often simply a list of scripture references. But it can certainly include the readings.


The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) uses a variation of the RCL (there's an article about it, along with the lectionary at: http://www.lcms.org/resources/worship/lectionary )

The Lutheran Service Book (LSB) used by the LCMS has the lectionary printed in the front with the Scripture references for each Sunday of the Church year, as well as for feasts and festivals. During service, the lectionary texts are either printed in a bulletin and placed in the pews or (as in my congregation) we just use the pew Bibles.

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