Has the US Catholic Church given an imprimatur to any English Bible translations intended for children?


Accepted answer

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has published a partial list of approved translations, which contains

Translation for Early Youth, A Translation of the New Testament for Children, Contemporary English Version, American Bible Society

However, this version is only approved for private use and study. It would appear that the only version approved for public use in the United States is the New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE).


As a Catechism teacher I used the St. Mary's Press Breakthrough Bible the younger kids used the Childrens Bible.

I can't recall if they had imprimaturs, but their use was approved by our diocese (Madison, WI). As far as I could remember, they were GNT Bibles. BTW, I've got a copy of "The Way - Catholic Edition" the 1970's happy times Bible, and that had an Imprimatur. So that might be a low bar.

I'd ask, are there any Catholic Bibles for kids that say "Blessed" instead of "Happy" when describing Our Lady and The Beatitudes? I think the answer to that is no.

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