Is there any significance to naming Lazarus in this parable?


Accepted answer

I think it is significant that the rich man knows and uses Lazarus's name for the same reason that it's significant that he knows Moses name. It clearly shows that he knew who the man was and had been aware in life of his condition and done nothing about it -- in the same way he did not heed the teachings of Moses and the prophets.

Leon Morris also suggests in his commentary on Luke that the name Lazarus (i.e Eleazar) may be significant because it means God has helped, thus adding more weight to the part of story where the poor man received no comfort from men in life.

In contrast is the poor man, called Lazarus (i.e. Eleazar; the name means 'God has helped' and may be significant; certainly man did not help this unfortunate). He is the only character given a name in Jesus' parables. -- Leon Morris; Pg. 276, V. 3, Tyndale NT Commentaries


It is unclear whether this story is parable or not. The fact that Lazarus is named causes some to suggest this isn't a parable at all, but rather an actual account.

The fact that this text follows the Parable of the Dishonest Manager leads some to believe that it is in fact a parable, but that analysis is by no means universal.


Additional information.

There is the possibility that this was a cultural "stock" parable that Jesus used for his own purposes. Think along the lines of Hansel and Gretel or something along those lines. As such, this common lore would be used by teachers to develop a lesson that suited the particular teaching situation.

Sources: Interpreting the Parables (Craig L. Blomberg) p. 86

An Afro-Sociological Application of the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) in Black Theology: An International Journal, Vol 4, No 1 (2006) by Olubiyi Adeniyi Adewale

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