Why does the axiom of choice imply the existence of a unique God?


The question has a Catagory mistake.

Like dividing any number by zero.


I won't make any statements about the mathematical, philosophical or theological implications of the proof. But I can help you with the maths (this would better done on math.SE).

  1. Make a order of the sets: A set A is greater or equal than a set B iff B is a subset or equal of A. A maximal element set (God) is maximal in this order, so it has no set that is a superset to it.
  2. As you said we have God $\supseteq$ God $\cup$ ${$existence$}$ as existence is a property, God $\cup$ ${$existence$}$ is greater or equal than God, but God is maximal (see 1).
  3. I would it also do the other way around. But it works than too ("Similarly ...").
  4. I don't think uniqueness is required, but we have it so, why not assuming it?

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