Are there examples of "successful" celibate homosexuals, according to the Catholic Church?


I'm sure there are tons of examples, but if you want one notable one, there's Andy Warhol, who the Catholic Herald did a write-up about a few years ago:

Religion kept Warhol from going over the brink. He attended Mass almost daily. Other days he would just slip into St Vincent Ferrer on Lexington Avenue, drop into the back pew and pray. He spent his Thanksgivings, Christmases and Easters volunteering at a soup kitchen, and befriended the homeless and poor whom he served. He put his nephew through seminary. Though openly gay, he endeavoured to remain celibate throughout his life. When he refused to support the gay rights movement, many of his friends blamed his faith.

He lived with his mother until she died, and every morning they would pray together in Old Slavonic before he left for the Factory. He always carried a rosary and a small missal in his pocket.

Lifesitenews occasionally publishes articles from people with h*m*sexual desires who don't act on them. The whole point of chastity is to live according to your conscience, not follow your passions - it's how we were intended to live whether you're married, single - gay or straight.

“To love is to will the good of another.” All other affections have their source in this first movement of the human heart toward the good. Only the good can be loved. Passions “are evil if love is evil and good if it is good.”

CCC 1766

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