How do human rights and Christianity relate to each other?


Accepted answer

I'll take a shot at answering this one. Most of my answer will be taken from my readings of C.S. Lewis.

The short answer is that we are God's creation and He is allowed to do with us as He likes. In the flood He wiped out all of humanity save for eight people, but since we are His creation this was OK.

Assume that you were an artist and you created a painting. Now this painting is your creation; it belongs to you. You may do with it what you choose. You may display the painting for all to see, you can restrict who is allowed to see it. You can alter it as you see fit, you can leave it alone, you can even wipe it out and start all over again. You can turn it over to someone else so that they can do with it as they like.

All these things are acceptable, but no one else may touch your creation, at least not without your permission. No one else may harm it or destroy it because it is not theirs, it is yours.

The same can be said about God, people, and human rights. God may do with us as He chooses because we are His. We as humans cannot do whatever we like to other humans because we do not own them.

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