Is there such a thing as a Catholic commentary on the Bible?


I am a Spanish-Native speaker, and yes, it exists. There's a version or translation of the bible named "Biblia Latinoamericana" and is widely used between Catholics (from Latin America), and it's official according to the Catholic Church. It is commented, and normally it is a gift when a believer finishes the "First Communion" (I just translated it litterally, in spanish it is called "Primera Comunión").

Yes, it may be the most authoritative ( I guess in L. America), and there are no few differences between the translation itself and the commentaries comparing to a Commentary Protestant bible.


If you happen to know French, then you have the cahiers bibliques at :


The ultimate Catholic "study bible" (not just commentary) is the Original Douay-Rheims Bible.


The Navarre Bible is a 10 volume work of the Old and New Testaments and is very detailed:

Then you have this 17 volume work, which only has a handful of volumes left:

There are also thousands of books by Saints and Popes that expound on the Bible throughout the century. Those two are recent and that's why I put them, but there are many excellent commentaries on centuries past that deserve our attention. They shouldn't be disregarded due to age, you have St Thomas Aquinas, Father Haydock, Cornelius A Lapide and dozens more.


Perhaps this is what you have in mind: Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, 1859 edition.

About This Commentary (quoting directly from the website)

This Catholic Bible commentary, following the Douay-Rheims Bible text, was originally compiled by Catholic priest and biblical scholar Rev. George Leo Haydock (1774-1849). This transcription is based on Haydock's notes as they appear in the 1859 edition of Haydock's Catholic Family Bible and Commentary printed by Edward Dunigan and Brother, New York, New York. A reprint of this Douay-Rheims Bible with Haydock's commentary is published by:

Catholic Treasures 1823 Business Center Dr. Duarte, CA 91010 (800) 257-4893 (626) 359-4893 Fax: (626) 359-6933 (

See Transcriber's Notes for a description of the minor modifications that were made by the transcriber for this website to the content and presentation of the original Haydock Commentary. The modern reader should be cautioned that this older commentary uses some archaic language and spellings and at times it seems to express some rather harsh opinions concerning Protestants and Jews. Regarding the proper Catholic opinions with respect to Protestants and Jews, the reader is encouraged to look into more modern and authoritative treatments, such as the documents of the Second Vatican Council and Pope John Paul II's Catechism of the Catholic Church.



There is the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture which has volumes on the New Testament books. This is the link: I think this would be what the original poster was looking for. I haven't read any of these yet. I am looking for a Catholic Bible commentary series that compares to the Tyndale series I used when I was Protestant many years ago.

There are also a Collegeville series, originally in booklets but now in I think 2 volumes, one for Old Testament and one for New Testament. An update of that series is the New Collegeville series. I have the New Testament volume of that one.


Here is an incomplete list of some Catholic commentaries:

• St Thomas Aquinas, “Catena Aurea” (Golden Chain) (English translation by J H Newman), Baronius Press (online: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)

• Father George Haydock , “Haydock’s Commentary”, 1859

• “Navarre Bible”, under development in Spain

• Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch, “Ignatius Catholic Study Bible” (Based on RSV-2nd CE)

• Raymond Edward Brown, Joseph A. Fitzmyer, Roland E. Murphy, Ed.,“Jerome Biblical Commentary”, 1968

• Raymond Edward Brown, Joseph A. Fitzmyer, Roland E. Murphy, “Jerome Biblical Commentary”, Ed., “The New Jerome Biblical Commentary”, 1990

• “The Catholic Bible Personal Study Edition (NAB)” published by the Oxford Press.

• Dom Bernard Orchard, “A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture”, 1953, Nelson Publishers

• “Christian Community Bible”

Fr. Cornelius à Lapide, SJ's commentary on the Gospels

I understand that the Christian Community Bible originally produced in the Philippines is an amended English translation of the Biblia Latinoamericana. A French translation was also produced (along with translations into several other languages) but it seems that this was subsequently banned in France because some complained that some comments were excessively anti-Semitic. I haven't read the Christian Community Bible myself, but I understand that the commentary is also perceived as having a Liberation Theology ideological bias. I would be most surprised if it is the official Catholic Bible commentary.

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