Duty to parents?


i think one should convert them as a way to pay back but i dont remember the source for this.


In everything in life you must find the middle.

Too much or too little of something will always result in suffering. Exact amount of something will result in peace. With peace, the mind is calm. With calm mind, insight is possible. With insight, ignorance is eradicated.

Your parents must be neither too controlling nor too gentle. They must find the middle.

You must be neither too obedient nor too disobedient. You must find the middle.

Whenever there is ignorance, there is deviation from the middle and potential for suffering can arise.

Due to this very same ignorance, attachment to views, concepts and ideas can be present. A person intoxicated with ignorance, rather than abandoning his views, concepts and ideas, causes suffering by actions stemming from these views, concepts and ideas. Due to this very same ignorance he can't stay in the middle. He's intoxicated with it. He can't stop. He can't help himself but go to one or the other extreme: too much of something or too little of something.

Like an alcoholic who is obsessed with drinking or a bulimic obsessed with food, in the same way a person can be obsessed with views, concepts, ideas. Like an alcoholic drinking his drink over and over again or a bulimic eating in a disorderly fashion, in the same way a person may harm himself and others by instilling his views, concepts and ideas onto others.

The more ignorance, the more potential for suffering can arise.

The duty of your parents is to find the middle. Once found, their duty is to guide their children and adult children towards the middle.

Your duty is to find the middle. Once found, your duty is to guide your parents and your children and adult children towards the middle.

Neither too harsh, nor too gentle. Neither too painful, nor too pleasurable.

Your duty is to listen to them and also not to listen to them. You must find the middle.

Their duty is to listen to you and also not to listen to you. They must find the middle.

Whenever you or your parents go out of the middle, there can arise the potential for you or them to become insufficiently autonomous, too passive, too indecisive. Whenever you and your parents stay in the middle, you both become completely independent. Just like an addict who abandons his drug and becomes independent from the drug, in the same way the one who stays in the middle becomes completely independent.

If there is any minor conflict or decision to be taken, you decide what to do by answering this question: "Would my decision/action guide my parents, me and others towards the middle?" If yes, do the action. If no, do not do the action.

And what is the middle?

It is where suffering does not arise or where any left suffering comes to an end.


The advice in the Sigalovada Sutta is from a different time & society, where the prescribed obligations & thus expectations were mutual. In other words, at the present time, if your parents do not have these expectations towards you then you do not have any obligations in return. For example, did your parents arrange for you to get married when you were a teenager & did you comply?

For example, when my father reached a certain phase in his life, I stayed with him, for a time, to keep an eye on things. But my parents can be so arrogant, I left when my father asked me to leave, due to a conflict with my mother. My mother was not willing to stay at home for most of the day & lost face when I told a health professional she was not at home all day but I was. As I envisaged, my father was alone at home one day, he had to call an ambulance himself, & died a few days later in hospital. This is an example of parents, like mine, who spent their life giving to their children like martyrs but are unable to receive in return. In other words, sometimes you try to do your duty but cannot.

In Dhamma, Dhamma always has priority. If your Dhamma is higher than your parents (such as you wish to ordain or wish to live a more moral life than your parents wish), your Dhamma takes priority.

This is was said by the Lord… Bhikkhus, these three kinds of sons are found existing in the world. What three? The superior kind, the similar kind, and the inferior kind. Iti 74

But anyone who rouses his unbelieving mother & father, settles & establishes them in conviction; rouses his unvirtuous mother & father, settles & establishes them in virtue; rouses his stingy mother & father, settles & establishes them in generosity; rouses his foolish mother & father, settles & establishes them in discernment: To this extent one pays & repays one’s mother & father. AN 2.32

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