Lethargy: Short Versus Long Sessions


Accepted answer

For a 30 minute session, my recommendation is to continue to merely watch the hazy thought process (as long as there is not sleeping). Hopefully, after a while, the haziness will clear, like dawn fog clears eventually as the sun rises.


Lethargy and drowsiness are classical hindrances to achieving upacara samadhi. You might try meditating at a different time of day or try exercise. Or you may try meditating outside in nature or a park. A classical approach is to meditate overlooking a vast landscape. You might try coffee or dextrose. I heard of one person who would meditate sitting on top of a kitchen table (the fear of falling off kept him awake!!). Meditating with a group or friend may help. Or you might try a walking meditation. A fitness program my put your body into a higher energy state.

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