How to actually do death contemplation?


i do seem to care about others who die though but not on myself

But that's the whole point. So if you already don't mind dying (that's how i understand your statement), then maybe you're an arahant?
I of course am not familiar with your background, but whether you mind or not can be found out in the life and death situation, when contingency of dying is very real. Good health and safe environment are not the conditions to help to realize one's own mortality. An event which has a potential of causing a profound shift in one's attitude towards death is a death of a close relative, and especially a sudden and unexpected one, because it hits very close to home and with great impact due to suddenness.

Contemplation of death for development of samvega is described in Maranasati suttas 1 & 2

And here's how actual practice of perception of death is described in a Gandhari Samyukta Agama Sanna sutra (Andrew Glass, Mark Allon, 'Four Gāndhārī Saṃyuktāgama Sūtras: Senior Kharoṣṭhī Fragment 5')

What is the concentration connected with the perception of death? In regard to this, a monk who is at the root of a tree, or in an empty house, or in an open space… thinks “I will die, I will not live long, I will perish, I will die, I will disappear. It is the undistracted one-pointedness of mind of a person so positioned, which is called “the concentration connected with the perception of death.

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