How did the practice of one in-training (sekha) differ so that he became one attained-to-view as opposed to one liberated-by-faith and vice versa?
Likely that'd involve more than just the training but also the innate orientation of whether one is "insight oriented" or "serenity oriented" as the dominant faculty. Sorta like some folks are born naturally good at literature, while others are naturally good at math. Note that the Liberated-by-Faith/SaddhaVimutta is for those who are "serenity oriented". This stage is a notch below the Attained-to-View/DitthiPatta, who is "insight oriented". Ven. Bodhi in "Middlelength Discourses" provides footnote to those 2 terms based on Commentaries' explanation:
Attained to View/DitthiPatta(insight oriented): [705]MA: includes the same 6 individuals as under Kayasakkhin, but without possession of immaterial attainments. Pug. defines him as one who has understood the Four Noble Truths, reviewed, examined with wisdom the teachings proclaimed by the Tathagata; defilements partially abandoned without immaterial attainments;
Liberated by Faith/SaddhaVimutta(serenity oriented): [706]MA: includes the same 6. Pug. defines same way as Ditthipatta, but adds that he has not reviewed and examined the teachings with wisdom to the same extent that the Ditthipatta has; defilements partially abandoned without immaterial attainments;[ITBW_X.17]This includes the same classes in whom faith is the dominant faculty.