The Mahayana faith and wisdom


Wisdom is formed from the combination of knowledge and experience. Meditation can boost the cognitive processes forming wisdom, but even without meditation you can form wisdom.

As you move along the path, you will form wisdom.


"IIs it possible to be on the path without wisdom? Is it possible to advance >along it, even to attain complete, and perfect enlightenment, without wisdom?"

From mindfulness, clear comprehension arise, from clear comprehension, insight arise, from insight, wisdom arise.

Without wisdom one would not know skilful from unskilful action, appropriate from inappropriate body, speech and mind cultivation. How then can one purify oneself?

"And if the latter is in any way the case, then how so, and why would the >practitioner have to fall "back" into complete ignorance in order have any >semblance of enlightenment?"

It is not the case that one can obtained enlightenment without wisdom. The word enlightenment itself also means wisdom. To be enlighten means to be wise.

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