Is there a proper name for my recent experience?


As Krizalid said, it is always important to take care of your mental health. Asking for professional help can improve the way you deal with emotions and thoughts.

That being said, I suggest taking the best of that situation (the "feeling" of being able to watch the emotions and mindstates impersonally, and the knowledge of the possibility of finding progressive peace and tranquility through mental training, like the one offered by the Buddha through the Noble Eightfold Path), but keeping in mind that such experiences are conditioned and impermanent. Try to not get attached to it, don't become obsessed with trying to feel it again, and pay attention to not use this as a way to increase (maybe unconsciously) your "ego" or ideas born from conceit, about an "I" which is "more spiritual" and superior than everyone else.

I'm not saying that what you felt was false nor a delusion. I'm just suggesting to keep your feet on the ground, and to maybe use this as a motivation for getting in touch with the mind and its processes. Buddhism offers a lot of tools, knowledge and strategies for knowing the mind better, for understading the motivations behind our deeds, and for learning how to deal with such underlying processes.

I wish you the best, and feel free to ask here whatever you may need to be answered (related to Buddhism, of course).

Have a wonderful day!


I don't know what the experience was but there are many things going on and if i was to paraphrase it using what i think to be Buddhist terminology i would explore the application terms like;

  • The faculty and power of conscientiousness; ... of concern; ... of discernment
  • Fear and shame of wrong-doing
  • Renunciation joy
  • States that are Good in Relation to the Sensuous Universe

Basically when faculties are developed, the range of potential states to be experienced is altered. The novelty of the experiences associated with the faculty development is many-fold and that is about as far as i would go of what you wrote in the OP.


It sounds exactly like you had a dissociative episode. The National Alliance on Mental Illness lists some symptoms as:

  • Out-of-body experiences, such as feeling as though you are watching a movie of yourself
  • Mental health problems such as depression
  • A sense of detachment from your emotions, or emotional numbness
  • A lack of a sense of self-identity

The fact that this matches up exactly with how you describe your experience means I would be extremely cautious about assuming you are "progressing" in any way like some other commenters have said. It is likely that this entire experience was a symptom of your depression, and if it continues to happen you really should seek medical advice.


Common signs of depression:

---> Decreased Interest or Pleasure

The second core symptom of major depressive disorder is a decreased interest or pleasure in things that were once enjoyed. A person exhibiting this symptom will show markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, daily activities.

---> Disengaged

A developed practice of being distant or disengaged, uninvolved with things that usually matter, negligent towards loved ones.

Depression can be dangerous, do not take it lightly and seek proper medical support is also a preferred way.

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