Continuity With Meditation Practice


Particularly with Karuna/Compassion it is most beneficial to not only have formal meditation time devoted to it but to make it a living practice by checking in with how (and if) compassion is coming into play during your daily interactions. Looking for opportunities for compassion to arise in response to situations throughout the day is a powerful practice. Also learning to allow it to grow or expand in the moment that more of it is needed. This will boost your progress more than just adding to or adjusting sitting times.


I hate to sound too critical, because you appear to have a healthy meditation regime, so kudos for that. Having said that, adhering too strictly to a specific routine runs the risk of being silabbatupadana, i.e. clinging to a ritual for it's own sake.

Based on contemporary learning theory, more frequent meditation is likely more favorable for developing the dhyanas, over a strict routine, or having few session with longer duration, for instance. I wouldn't be surprised if the suttas reflects these findings.

To sum up: a scheduled routine helps, as well as meditating often, even when it's outside your regular routine.

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