self-hypnotization-autosuggestion - chanting


Sure, best maybe just ten times, when possible situations appear which could be approached by bad thoughts, words or deeds before not doing such. That's the most effective time with most benefical fruits, and if doing seriously and heedfull, watching over it's requirement, Breath will see it's great effects very soon.

Best make a strong resolve and promise to do. Maybe by chanting 108 times, having bowed before the Three Juwels, taken refuge in a small personal sermon. Before going to bed every day, in the case if chanting in such situations was forgotten, chant it 108 times and renew the promis like at the beginning. If having chanted if in situations and did not do the deeds then, best rejoice on it and try to just dwell silently in this joy. If feeling inspired, maybe good to devote gratitude to the Gems at the end.

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In my experience autosuggestion can help.

Things to try telling yourself:

  • "I am seeing the wonderful, always usefulness of meditation"
  • "I love to sit and be aware"
  • "I am enjoying being free of crazy activity"
  • "I am feeling good sitting here to work on my spiritual cultivation rather than scurrying about in materialistic existence"
  • "I am stable and normal becoming free of external influences"
  • "I am growing in my basic living skill of being aware and calm"
  • "I am not attached to any phenomena even this affirmation itself"
  • "I am not attached to not being attached"

Basically, the affirmations are not going to lead you to concentration or enlightenment directly but they will help you reign in your crazy worldly mind so that you can keep practicing!

However, use the affirmation itself as an object of awareness. See it working its way into you. Smile. Breathe. Do not attach to the process of affirmation and try to focus your mind 99% on the Buddhadharma itself.

You are only using affirmation as a tool to get yourself out of your neurotic, scattered habits.

After you are calm, steady and concentrated, you will be cultivating closer to jhana and it will be important to learn to concentrate even when you don't feel like--observing the "not wanting to sit" as another phenomena. You cannot just affirmation away those kind of things. You will need to cultivate actual meditation.

Anyway, those are some early stage and mid-stage tips for you. Hope that helped.

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