About the Buddha Preaching that we Humans are Aliens


The Sutta you are looking for is Agganna sutta. In the second part of the Sutta, the Buddha tells the story of how human beings came to dwell on Earth.

The Buddha said that sooner or later, after a very long time, there would come a time when the world(universe) shrinks. At a time of contraction, beings are mostly born in the Abhassara Brahma world. And there they dwell, mind-made, feeding on delight, self-luminous, moving through the air, glorious β€” and they stay like that for a very long time. But sooner or later, after a very long period, this world begins to expand again. At a time of expansion, the beings from the Abhassara Brahma world, having died from there, are mostly reborn in this world. Here they dwell, mind-made, feeding on delight, self-luminous, moving through the air, glorious β€” and they stay like that for a very long time...

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