The will, and rebirth


When 'jati' ('birth') occurs via Dependent Origination, the 'will' (intention -cetana) is a contributory condition but not 'control'. That the (ignorant) 'will' generates 'birth' is due to 'ignorance' (avicca) therefore, when ignorance is functioning, 'control' cannot exist.

Therefore, it is correct to suggest that when there is 'birth' ('jati') or 'new birth', there is no sense of controlling actions. People can only ever be responsible for their enlightenment because their unwholesome actions are always controlled & created by ignorance (rather than by their 'self').

This is why enlightenment generates metta, equinimity & forgiveness.


Not according to U Dhammaratana's commentary on the Visuddhimaga... There it is said:

It could be said that they [kamma-bhava and sankhara] are two different ways of sayin the same thing

Kamma-bhava is what recreates the next rebirth. Sankhara is kamma-bhava considered without the "associated mental states".

I think I see no way round this, besides questioning Buddhaghosa or the accuracy of the commentary. Unless sankhara is empty in a different way to kamma-bhava :/

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