Why is it necessary to scan entire body in Vipassana?


Accepted answer

Otherwise, what is the use of observing my legs' sensation, when I am fighting with anger, frustration, love, etc.?

When you are angry the distribution of the sensations through the body may take one form. When in love another. There will be places where sensations are more intense, but nevertheless there is sensations throughout.

So why not just focus on ...

Why is it necessary to scan entire body in Vipassana?

You have to understand the full sphere of experience. You have to understand all sensations in the body. If you move from more gross or intense sensations to another, you will never understand the more subtle sensations. You have to come to a state where you experience any sensation in the body, always, and though the body. This is how you will know the whole sphere of experiences is unsatisfactory.


Throughout your body - skin


head and around the heart

Also keep in mind. When something happens in the mind also bodily sensations arise. When something happens in the body metal sensations arise.


Generally, this is the ensure you are aware of craving occurring in any of the six senses.

For example, your bed in which you sleep might give you "comfort" and you are likely to appreciate it as "good" and think "this comfort is me", or "this comfort is mine", or "this comfort is experienced by my soul".

Most of vipassana is about identifying and removing such false view. To do this, one needs to be aware of what is going on in all six senses.

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