effectivness of removing triggers for temptations?


I find it effective.

I wrote this answer about quitting cigarettes by not having them (and similarly a technique to help distance myself from web sites, e.g. news sites, if they become problematic).

I use a similar technique for alcohol, e.g. the easiest way for me to not have alcohol is to not buy it: if I shop once a week then I'm tempted (to buy it) no more than once a week, for maybe a minute in the day-time (when I'm in the grocery store, which sells it); and not on other days (when I don't even have it so I'm not even tempted by it) and times.

Incidentally a few days ago I found this web site https://everydaycheck.com (or you could do the same with paper, probably) which might help to create good habits. It may be better to do things as a team (e.g. meditate with a group of friends), so that social pressure (which is powerful) will encourage you to partiipate regularly; but even just having a written record helps you supervise yourself; and it records your successes not just your failures, which I find encouraging.

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