Questions about Travel History


Your travel history is a list of all the countries you have visited. You cannot decide what it is, you have a travel history. When you are asked, you should tell the truth. Lies will greatly complicate your life and lead to travel bans when they are found out.

For some visa, having a certain kind of travel history is useful. If you apply for a visa for France, then a history of recently having been to Belgium, and having left on schedule, will be very helpful. The French will assume that if you were about to overstay, you would have stayed in Belgium.

Of course you don't have to have a previous EU visa to get an EU visa. That would make it impossible to get a first EU visa. But the first visa application will get more scrutiny than subsequent ones.

And when you apply for an EU visa, you will have to explain why you travel and what your financial circumstances are. It really helps if your travel history matches this description.

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