Can you freely camp along trails in Scotland?


Short answer, yes, it is legal to wild camp in Scotland.

The Scottish Outdoor Access Code allows wild camping on pretty much any unenclosed land, the same land which is covered by access rights. Unenclosed land refers to land that isn't gardens, land around buildings, fields under crop or containing livestock and attractions to which an entrance fee is usually charged.

For you that means it is fine to camp along the trail so long as you're not interfering with farming or forestry operations or camping close to someone's house or farm.

Scottish Natural Heritage (a government agency) publish a guide to wild camping and a guide to access rights.


The access rights apply to private land too.

Your link is a part of this site about Scottish Outdoor Access Rights and says the access right extends to camping, but it mentions one national park which prohibits wild camping.

The Wikipedia page is relevant too, giving detailed descriptions of what land has access rights, and what does not.

The more remote your hiking, the more likely it is to have access rights to the land, with certain exceptions as mentioned.

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