Visitor visa refusal on deception


Accepted answer

You know who signed this refusal letter? His/Her name was

Enter ECO Name

This is a clerical error. Contact them and ask for a proper refusal letter. Don't worry and don't pay attention to people telling you you are banned or you have serious problems with your documentation. You may or may not but this refusal letter as it is is invalid.

Read this (comes from your refusal letter)

I have refused your application for a visit visa because i am satisfied that enter the reasons why the relevant paragraph of Part V3 Applies.

Then, it also says

  • an interview with you

  • an interview with your sponsor

But for a standard visitor visa neither of those are conducted.


This is not a proper refusal notice at all. It's a blank template that the Entry Clearance Officer is supposed to fill in with the reasons for their decision. You can see text like "enter ECO name" and "see suggested refusal wordings" that is meant for the officer and is supposed to deleted and replaced with the appropriate reasons before it is given to you. One of the template sections concerns deception; they're only supposed to include it if it's warranted; so there's no reason to conclude based on this that you were refused for deception. In short, someone goofed here.

We've seen this happen before. See UK visa blank refusal letter without reason for refusal. You should contact the consulate or the VFS that gave you this letter and tell them there's been a mistake. The regulations state that you're supposed to receive a proper notice, and this isn't one.

Once you have an actual refusal notice with the real reasons (which very well may not be for deception at all), come back and post it here, and people can help you figure out what happened.

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