Is it legal to feed the pigeons in Stockholm?


Accepted answer

Yes, it is legal to feed pigeons in Sweden.

However, it is not legal to throw things other than chewing gum, cigarettes and snus on the ground. So you can't just empty a 100 liter bag of bread on the street.

Also, some places like cafΓ©s and restaurants ask the guests not to feed the birds. One should follow these instructions as some of these signs actually are supported by law and violations could result in an arrest.

Feeding pigeons is something you usually do at parks or water parks (when feeding ducks).

It is not legal to poison, hurt or kill birds in Sweden without special permission - you could end up in prison.

I'm a swede and used to be a politician. Municipalities can decide these kind of things.


It is illegal to feed birds in Sweden. They put varning in My apartment door that it is not allwoed to feed birds infront apartment and street. And whenever i feed there is Always sonen People warning me not to feed 😠


Yes, it is legal. I have been living here and we do it with my children in the park all the times.

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