Traveling to US for a conference as a remote worker for US company


Generally speaking a B1 visa is all that is necessary for attending a conference. "Business activities" are covered by a B1 visa, and a conference counts as "business activities". (A B1/B2 allows activities from either B1 or B2 visa).

The only possible glitch is that you should not be receiving "income from a US source" while visiting the US on a B1. This is not a problem for normal business visitors - they are usually being paid by someone else. Even those working for foreign subsidiaries of a US company are OK, because the foreign subsidiary is not a US company.

Most "remote workers" are working for subsidiaries or working as contractors. If you are being paid through a contracting company (even a sole proprietorship) then you will be fine - the contracting company is a non-US company and so you are getting money from it, not a US source. This is one reason why almost every company insists on employing its remote foreign workers through intermediate companies.

If for some reason you are directly employed by the parent company ask the company for guidance. Perhaps they can not pay you for the week of the conference and make it up to you some other way. It's also likely that at long as you answer "no" to the question "will you be getting money from a US source" then you will not be asked detailed questions.

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