Room with Kitchenette, Who Does the Dishes?


Accepted answer

Are you renting it using Airbnb or some like that? If yes, I believe it is polite you clean the dishes that you have used.

On the other hand, if you are in a hotel, I believe the hotel will have people to do these tasks.


Guests staying in a kitchenette are provided with dish cloth ,dish rag, dish soap well I think it's up to the guest to utilize those things so yeah do your own dishes .


Whenever a kitchenette is provided (airbnb, guest house or aparthotel), usually it is up to the guest to do the dishes, and usually the host offers to do the dishes with an additional fee.


In general, try to leave the place cleaner than you got it.

Do the dishes, clean up the counter area, empty the fridge, put out the trash/recycle.

If it is a kitchenette in a hotel room, you could leave the dishes to be done by the hotel staff; if it is in a guest house, I'd clean it.

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